Phaedra Berger

MSc Student

I am a Master’s student working with Regan Mandryk. My research interests include the vast continuum of possibilities for humans being creative with computers, the positive effects of everyday creativity on well-being, especially by building social connection, and the ways in which we can design digital systems to support both creativity and social well-being.

Prior to my time at the University of Victoria, I completed a BSc in Psychology and a BA & Sc in Interactive Systems Design at the University of Saskatchewan.

In addition to studying creativity, I also enjoy creative projects! I’ve tried my hand at novel writing and published a video game on Steam called Entangled. I’ve painted nebulae and crocheted jellyfish. In my free time, I love to read, draw and hang out with my dog in the awesome nature that surrounds Victoria. It’s still a coin toss whether the beach or the forest is my favourite!