Data-Driven Personal Timelines for Storytelling
Looking for: MSc Student
We all gather collections of personal data, for example data about a road trip with geolocation, photos, places visited and food eaten; data about a multi-day backpacking hike or a race with pace, weather and heart rate; data about personal and professional achievements in the form of a CV; or data about our personal relationships, friendships, and life events.
However, we lack tools for easily creating meaningful narratives based on this data. In this work, you will take a data-driven approach to creating timelines for a variety of domains and datasets, combining web design, visualization and storytelling.
Visualization; Web Design/Development (e.g., html, javascript, d3, …)
Contacts and Instructions
Contact Charles Perin ( if you are interested in the position.
Send me an email with your (unofficial) transcripts, a blurb about yourself, why you are interested in this topic and why you think you are qualified.